News for thosecoming to the WSA!
The WSA aspires to become a modern educational, research and traininginstitution, using the scientific and academic and administrativepotential of the University.
Ourgoalis to stand out with anattractivestudyprogramme on the international market and a diverseeducationaloffer. We makesurethatourgraduatesfitinto the locallabour market, but also with theirknowledge and practicalskills, findthemselvesthroughout Poland and the European Union. We makesurethat the education of ourgraduatesallowsthem to contribute to the social and economic development of the region.
The priority of the Agribusiness College in Łomża is to intensifyinternationalcooperationwithin the European Union and internationalcooperation in general. Alleffortsareprimarilyfocused on increasing the opportunities for scientific and professionalmobility of students and research and administrativestaff and expanding the number of partner institutionswithin the Erasmus programme.
The teachingstaffisencouraged to visit the partner institutions and learnabouttheireducationalofferings for innovation and modernisation. Research and scientificwork in the international field will be supported by contracts and agreements with foreignscientific and academicinstitutions.
In the selection of partners, the WSA will be guidedprimarily by geographicallocation (sothatstudents and employeescanchooseuniversities and institutionsthatareculturally, linguistically and in terms of offer), researchobjectives and researchcentres, joint studyprogrammes (whichareplanned), and the needs and interests of students and employees.
Equallyimportantis the selection of partner institutionsis the precise set of rules and the provision of security for members of the mobility.
One of the most importantobjectives of the University in itsstrategyconcerningteaching and scientific-researchactivitiesis to improvequalitythroughactiveparticipation of teaching and administrativestaff in foreign exchange.
The University implements the Erasmus+ projectwithin the KA103 action. We inviteallwillingstudents and employeeswhomayparticipate in the project to cooperation and joint mobility. The University does not discriminate, does not limit otheruniversities and is open to collaboration and concludingnewagreements. In case of anyquestionsordoubts, pleasecontactus. We will be happy to answeranyquestions and do ourbest to helpyou with yourmobility.
- Paulina Szadurska
We arecurrentlyinvitingstudents to studyat the faculties:
- Construction,
- Internal Security,
- Agriculture
- Commodity
ECTS is a credit system used in the highereducationinstitutions of the EuropeanHigherEducationArea, whichcoversallcountriesinvolved in the BolognaProcess. Itaims to promote student mobility (through the completion of a period of studycompleted by a student athishomeuniversity in a foreignuniversity) and to facilitate the planning, acquisition, assessment, recognition and validation of qualifications and educationalunits.
The correlationbetween the University scale and ECTS gradesruns as follows:
School grade |
Description |
ECTS grade |
5 |
Bardzo dobry |
A (Excellent) |
4,5 (4+) |
Dobry plus |
B (Very Good) |
4 |
Dobry |
C (Good) |
3,5 (3+) |
Dostateczny plus |
D (Satisfactory) |
3 |
Dostateczny |
E (Sufficient) |
2 |
Niedostateczny |
FX, F (Fail) |
Organisation of the academic year
Date |
Academic Year Inauguration |
Winter term
20.09.19 -22.12.19
Christmas break
23.12.19 -06.01.20
07.01.20 – 26.01.20
Winter exam session
27.01.20 – 09.02.20
Remedial exam session
10.04.20 -16.02.20
Inter-semester break, commission exams, registration for the summer semester
17.02.20 – 01.03.20
Summer term
02.03.20 – 09.04.20
Holiday break
10.04.20 – 21.06.20
17.04.20 – 21.06.20
Summer exam session
22.06.20 – 05.07.20
Implementation of apprenticeships
28.06.20 – 13.09.20
Remedial exam session
21.08.20 – 06.09.20
Inter-semester break, commission exams, registration for the winter semester
07.09.20 – 18.09.20
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