
Second degree Nursing

Duration: 4 semesters

Degree awarded: Master's degree

Mode: full-time and part-time

Graduates of nursing studies are prepared to perform independent tasks in a variety of nursing positions, related for example to providing health services, managing health care and quality of medical services, health promotion, and health education, developing nursing practice, conducting scientific research in health care. Graduates can develop their knowledge and skills in various forms of postgraduate education. After obtaining the certificate of the right to practice as a nurse, with the degree of Master of Science in Nursing, the graduate can apply for a job in public and private health care institutions, including hospitals, primary and long-term health care, teaching, and upbringing institutions, occupational medicine centres, specialist health care, medical rescue units, sanatoria, and nurseries. Completion of the master's degree also allows you to apply for managerial positions in health care institutions and provides opportunities to undertake your own business in the field of health care. Graduates of the master's programme can be employed in higher education institutions and research and development units, i.e. they can take up the challenge of shaping and developing their own professional careers.

Graduates of second-cycle studies in nursing are prepared to embark on third-cycle (doctoral) studies.

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